Monday, August 31, 2009

Keep Those Excuses Coming!

People Talking to People
Originally uploaded by Editor B

Nice start to the Blog, keep posting your examples of excuses.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

EXXXXXXcuuuuuse ME! Journal Entry 1

While most human beings will engage in making some excuses in their lives, the common Ben Franklin saying “He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else,” may be more of a self-fulfilling prophesy for excuse-makers than simply avoidance or laziness. Whether excuses are used to shift blame or improve what other people think, it may be easier for excuse-makers to live with excuses than think about living with having tried at something and failed.

Post an example of the most outlandish excuse you've ever heard that you know was a lie.  What was the outcome? 

Wednesday, August 26, 2009



I'm in. =]

i'm in

test test test

Test one two three

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Testing 1,2,3

I have sent you an invitation to be an author to our class blog.  Please post a test comment so I know you're in!


Sunday, August 23, 2009

Welcome To Interpersonal Communication!

As we explore what makes relationships tick, we will covering  topics such as:  listening, friendships, intimate relationships, workplace issues, family dynamics, love, and conflict strategies.  You will have several opportunities to reflect on your own relationships and communication style to find ways to improve all facets of your life.  As part of this journey together, I will post the latest studies and hot topics related to interpersonal communication on this blog.

Your job is to respond with an example to either confirm or disprove my posting by sharing insights from your own experiences, or one you've found on a TV show, movie, or book.  Feel free to comment on others' postings, and also post any interesting  (articles, links, videos, books, tweets, jokes, etc) related to communication and one-on-one relationships.

I look forward to blogging with you! 

Dr. Karin Wilking
San Antonio College