Saturday, October 31, 2009


This is in response to pick up lines its from season two of the chappelle show... always always always makes me laugh :]

Monday, October 26, 2009

Sure Fire Pick-Ups- Week 9 Post

The contact phase only lasts approximately 4 minutes.  So you've only got a short amount of time to make a first impression.  Share with us your favorite pick-up lines and experiences.  Did any of them work?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

One of my Favorite Videos!

I had been looking for a good time to post this here. I think this relates well with my response to this week's blog subject. Hope you Enjoy! - Leo Herbeck

Monday, October 19, 2009

Can Money Buy Happiness? Week 8 Post

We are all familiar with the saying, "Money can't buy you happiness".  However, a recent Gallup poll shows that the number one issue that causes problems in relationships today is cha-ching....MONEY, MONEY,MONEY, MONEY!  Post your views on the topic.  Does money make you happier?

Monday, October 12, 2009

Diversity in the Workplace- Week 7 Post

Studies show that 52% of people perfer to work with people like themselves.  This begs the question, "What about diversity in the workplace?"  Since most of us cannot choose who we will have to communicate with at work, how do we navigate through the complexities of a multicultural workplace?  The top 4 diversity issues that cause problems are:

1. Language Differences
2. Differences in Values and Etiquette
3. Tone of voice
4. "Clustering"  (hanging out with others from similar backgrounds)

Post an example of how a difference in one of these areas has caused a misunderstanding due to diversity.  Offer some suggestions on how you think communication between people from diverse backgrounds can relate better to each other.

Monday, October 5, 2009


Feeling Stressed Out? Studies show that how you deal with stress may be dependent on whether you are a male or a female. Read the study done on how men and women differ in how they deal with stress. Men- fight or flight vs. Women- tend and affiliate. Tell us what you think and how you tend to deal with stress. Do you agree with the study's findings? Are you a typical male or female in your responses to stress?