Monday, October 5, 2009


Feeling Stressed Out? Studies show that how you deal with stress may be dependent on whether you are a male or a female. Read the study done on how men and women differ in how they deal with stress. Men- fight or flight vs. Women- tend and affiliate. Tell us what you think and how you tend to deal with stress. Do you agree with the study's findings? Are you a typical male or female in your responses to stress?


  1. I feel the article is pretty well on target. As far as how would I personally deal with a stressful situation? I would say that it would depend upon "the intensity of the stressful situation." I also think that the age, health,and the awareness level of the individual may also play a part in how well a person responds to stress." Like one time when I was about 14 years of age. Me and my friends liked to walk upon a long wooden beam which was about a 40 ft high up in the air at this abandoned warehouse. Well when your a kid, you feel like your superman so it did not feel stressful at all, even though any one of us could have been killed instantly. Now if you asked me to repeat this nuttiness as an adult, my stress level would probably be way up because now I am completely aware of the consequences! LOL!

  2. I think this study brings up some valid points. Recently, my cup runneth over with many obligations which, in turn, are enhancing my stress levels. Eerily, these blog subjects seem to coincide with the events that are affecting my life at the moment. Being a man, I instinctively tend to feel the urge to fight-or-flight (mostly flight) during stressful situations. However, due to having a couple of close female friends, I see that I have adopted a variation of the tend-and-affiliate method. This was something that was definitely a learned skill. The successes I have had in college are major benefits from this line of stress management. If it wasn’t for the support, encouragement, and motivation I got from my friends, family, and yes God, I might never have continued my education after dropping out of high school 17 years ago; nor been as successful. Looking back at all that has transpired, it neat to see how I’ve adapted to life’s hoops and obstacles.

  3. I'm missing something...where is the link to the article/study?

  4. Yes, click on the "BEST STRESSED- WEEK 6 POST" title to link you to the article.

  5. Thanks Leo! Okay, so I would have to say the article is spot on! I am definitely a tend or befriend type of gal. Whenever I feel stress or have an issue I can calm my anxiety by cleaning/organizing (tend) or by calling my mom, friends or really anyone who will listen to talk about it (befriend). I've always felt that sometimes I'm too comfortable with sharing my personal life with others, it's almost as though nothing is off limits, but I realize now, more than ever, that it's a coping mechanism for me (stress related or not). I think it's also why I've never really felt depressed or like I've ever experienced "real problems" because I'm always able to wrk through them or at least feel better about it once I've tended & befriended! :)

  6. I completely agree with the stats from personal experience. My boyfriend, my father and my brother are the best at saying everything they need to say but ignoring my opinion and leaving the scene of the crime for a good while. While I, dwell on everything I said or thought and try to figure out what I couldve changed about it. At the end of the day I'm in tears trying to get one of my friends or my mother to think through the situation with me and help. I'm such a mess. I think that stress from most of these situations really exhausts me and its very easy to say, "you know, i'm sorry. let's just move on"

  7. I believe that the article made several broad sweeping over-gerneralizations. Next are we going to say that the majority of mexicans are criminals, all asians are good at math and all white people can't dance? Nurture versus nature is science. If an enviornment provides external forces that pruports this hypothesis then I concur, however for an any example cited in support a counter example can be found an cited as easily. Then again...The largest demographic of offenders in the federal judicial system IS mexican americans and due to the phonetiic structure of the asian language it IS expotentially easier for the brain to remember a sequentcial group of one sylabal sounds, thus in turn making for complicated computations easier. And when was the last time you saw a bunch of white people dancing in a Lil Wayne video? You know what Ive changed my mind I believe the article in question to be fantastic piece of scientific evidence and speaks volumes in respect to human behavior. Perception and framing is a powerful tool that shapes everyone's reality as we understand it. Now, ancient people found their clothes got cleaner if they washed them at a certain spot in the river. You know why? Human sacrifices were once made on the hills above this river. Bodies burnt, water speeded through the wood ashes to create lye. This is lye - the crucial ingredient to soap. The lye combined with the melted fat of the bodies, till a thick white soapy discharge crept into the river that made thier clothes clean. It's ironic due to the salty content of human fat it is the best fat for rendering soap. So im sure no one would have reservations of washing their clothes at the "magic spot" as opposed to washing thier clothes in the reposites of the dead. A sort of necromancy cleaning service.

  8. I agree with the study. Melissa and I both deal with stress in different ways. this month has been crazy we have a wedding next week we have had some family members causing stress a move to deal with and a moving company. their is her job and school stresses and a vacation to get ready for. I find the they way I deal with all of this is work out. I haven't worked out for a few months but if I don't release some energy everyday I start to loose my mind. Its the best way I found to get stress out of my body.

  9. I agree with the study mostly because it makes evolutionary sense, but the article doesn't go into nearly enough depth to gauge the study's credibility or accuracy. It would be a mistake, however, to call the results an unfair generalization, since the results would be superseding a much greater generalization, which presumed only two primary responses to conflict for everyone. It's actually a departure from unfair generalization. There are very few men and women from whom I can draw personal experience, but the men and women whose responses to stress I am familiar with affirm the study's results. The women generally respond socially to stress; the men withdraw or respond adversarially. Regarding myself, I deal with stress by mulling over and analyzing the situation until I feel in control of it. In cases where I'm stressed over time, money or tense disagreements, my response may mean sitting down and writing the situation out, along with notes on possible solutions. Simply understanding the problem, how it got that way, and having a plan on how to remedy it all go a long way to alleviating stress for me.

  10. I totally agree with the article.
    I am the typical female who tends to befriend when stressed, and I usually go to my mom or my sister to talk about it, but most of the time they really don't bother to listen.
    So usually, my stress relief is eating. =[
    My boyfriend is the flight type.
    When I get him stressed, he just walks away.

  11. Hmmm i guess im not really typical so it doesnt bother me that i dont really fall into either mechanism completely. If its something I can deal with on my own I'd rather deal with it that way. If I feel like its something thats bigger than me then I'll definitely be praying about it and talking to God about it. Otherwise, I just dont see the point in getting everyone in and stressed out over whats stressing me out. But, as far as the tending part goes I think it does definitely help to have something to do, focus on or jump into to help not dwell on stress.

  12. I feel stressed after reading that! maybe there is something to that study. I'm going to run away from that stressful article and talk to my mommy.

  13. I guess you could call me the typical male. It's really a throw up if I'm going to fight or flight though. I used to just flight but people have been telling me not to hold things in so now a days I'm a real straight up dude who handles problems straight up. And I like handling things myself; not with the help of others unless it is impossible without. Even in those situations I like to take charge. I guess I can agree with this study. lol.

  14. the way i deal with stress is too just either go to the gym or listen to music... i also talk about it with my friends and it suprisingly seems to get a load off my back... im not too much of the stressing type .. i actually hardly ever stress untit i need to for example my presenatations, homework, duties etc etc i wont do until the definete last minute also known as procrastination but weirdly for me... instead of contributing to my stress it lets me forget about things that stress me until i definetely have to :) ....

  15. I definately agree with the article, I know that I have a very strong fight or flight system hard wired in. I either bottle up whatever stress i have and don't talk about it. Or I get aggressive and try to take it head on. I think i used to have a little more of the tend and nurture mentality when i was younger, i had to mediate fights between friends pretty often, but I think that when i moved away from them the fight or flight comes out more now.
