Monday, October 19, 2009

Can Money Buy Happiness? Week 8 Post

We are all familiar with the saying, "Money can't buy you happiness".  However, a recent Gallup poll shows that the number one issue that causes problems in relationships today is cha-ching....MONEY, MONEY,MONEY, MONEY!  Post your views on the topic.  Does money make you happier?


  1. money does not make you happier. it can help make a person's life easier, but can also make life more complicated. i've never really wanted to be "rich" except for that i would have the means to help others. other than that, i don't mind working hard for what i have. my husband and i never argue about money because we keep our finances separate, but split the bills and help eachother out when needed. we would never combine our finances other than possibly a joint savings account if we were saving for something big together...

  2. If all else fails, money can surely buy you vials of dopamine and serotonin, so the answer is obviously yes.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. To be serious though, Happiness can be brought about by any number of things, and for nearly everyone, those things require at some point a degree of effort, which money is representative of. Money, therefore, can be said to be a means to happiness. That disagreements over money are common in relationships has no bearing on whether or not money is a means to happiness, unless it's falsely assumed that the only route to happiness is through relationships, and additionally falsely assumed that money invariably corrupts those relationships. It would be fairest not to blame the monetary system for the trouble of couples, but to blame the couples themselves, for their ill conceived usage of each others' labor - which is all money is, a representation of labor.

  5. The song "Money can't buy me love," is one of the biggest lies ever made and carried out to the sleeping masses in the history of the world! How many women do you know,that would marry a man with no money? The haves have always used and manipulated the Have-Nots, through the missuse of religion,and philosophy. While they eagerly hoarde every ounce of gold that they can get their little greedy hands on. Money and wealth are not evil, both are a blessing to have, because they are both powerful vechicles to relieving the everyday pressures of worrying about paying bills and about not having the nice things that everyone deserves in this life.While MONEY cannot buy complete happiness for oneself in this life, it can certainly add to ones happiness and fulfillment. Almost everthing in this world, requires money to possess. Now if this is not true, then I will gladly pass the hat at the next class so that the ones who think that money can't buy happiness can empty all their wallets and purses "of all the evil stuff," into it. But unfortunately for me, I have a strong feeling that they will not do it!!! Like the great master of all that exudes wealth states. "THE ONE WITH THE MOST TOYS WINS!" - GARFIELD THE CAT.

  6. The simple answer is no, money cannot buy you true happiness. However, I can understand why some people would think that it would. I've observed that chasing happiness through those means often times leaves people with a happiness that is fleeting. It's what I like to call "sugar kisses". It is sweet when you get them but it washes away to easily; and like most things sweet, it leaves you craving for more, all the while doing more harm than good. Money has become a represenative of hope. Hope for stability, security, love, respect, and for some, meaning to their life. It can be hard to see through the illusion of happiness through monetary gain. We are strongly marketed to,drilled, and conditioned to believe that unreal ideal. Money gets you things; but we are more than our material wealth. That is, if we allow ourselves to be.

  7. My aunt is married to a little, evil, wealthy little china man (uncle Ed) and she stays with him even though he is verbally and physically abusive to members of our family and even children. So money is very powerful. (I dispise that man)that guy is like a grimlin after you throw water on it. EVIL!!!

  8. Money is a commodity, if you have it then man good for you, it definitely gives you advantage to go after whatever physical objects that you need or want. The important thing to remember though is the things of this world come and go, and do not bring true, lasting, eternal happiness and will only leave you seeking and wanting more. Those that understand this do not allow money to have power over their lives so much to cause them to fight with their spouses. Whether you have it or not it should not affect your heart's happiness... I'm not married so cant speak from experience but when I am, its gonna be the kind of love that rejoices not only in times that money is abundant but can still smile over ramen noodles :] :] :]

  9. well that is a good question. In one point of my life I think I would of said money would make me happier but today I don't think so. Now that I'm married I'm very happy with out millions of dollars. people who think money will buy them happiness forget with wealth comes many troubles we could only imagine.

  10. You don't need money to be happy however without question it is a facilitator. It removes the pressure and stress of not being able to do what you want to do because of lack of it. I believe though that money doesn't matter as much as how much you have in relation to your surroundings. If you are well off buy conversely you live around people that are super wealthy you won't be that happy. If you are just moderately well off but you live with the impovershed then you will feel much happier with your financial status

  11. Honestly, I think money does make people happier. When you're having money troubles in relationships, you're just pissed off about the arguing and the fact that things aren't getting paid. When you have money, you're not arguing because you have the luxury of paying for bills without worry, buying the necessities and other unnecessary items, and also having the money to be able to go out and eat, watch movies, and just going out in general.

  12. Although money CANNOT buy happiness... IT SURELY HELPS :) ... no you cannot buy health, affection, relationships or many other things ppl consider necessary in order to be happy, but the money surely helps with many aspects . I LOVE $$$$!!!! :)

  13. If we want to be literal I guess you can't say that money buys happiness but lets be real... money makes people happy. (In good doses) More money makes me feel secure, when I feel secure Im happy. Its as simple as that. Money buys a lot of things that bring joy. OF course you need social skills to capture everything else that involves happiness but if you can manage a normal life and a healthy wallet, 9 times out of ten, you're happy.

  14. I think that money totally can buy happiness, but only if you are already happy and stable before you acquire it. If you try to buy happiness, i dont think it can last, if you can find happiness for free than money can halp you enjoy happiness in more varied ways.
