My mom had bought him from a woman who couldn't afford to keep him anymore.
He was sweet, an obvious inside dog, and he knew tricks.
Well, my dad didn't want him inside, or want him at all, so he kicked him outside.
When I came back from school the next day, Dollar was missing.
My yard is completely fenced, so he couldn't squeeze through anything.
My dad said he climbed the fence
That small dog scale a fence...
That dog couldn't even climb on furniture, none the less a four foot fence.
Naturally, I don't believe most things my dad bothers to tell me (he's a notorious liar anyway).
That's not my dog in the pic, just the breed.

Good posts and comments class! However, I still haven't heard any excuses from a few of you. You've got until Sunday to come up with your excuse....or perhaps Samir's ninjas also broke into your house too :)