The term Groupthink was coined by social psychologist Irving Janis (1972). It is when a group makes faulty decisions because group pressures lead to a deterioration of “mental efficiency, reality testing, and moral judgment”. Groups affected by groupthink ignore alternatives and tend to take irrational actions that dehumanize other groups. A group is especially vulnerable to groupthink when its members are similar in background, when the group is insulated from outside opinions, and when there are no clear rules for decision making. It is like peer pressure on steriods.
Share an example of Groupthink in action that you know from history, personal experience or observation. Because we are social beings, we are all prone to Groupthink. What might we do to prevent becoming prey to the power of Groupthink?
Monday, November 30, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Overcoming Fear of Rejection- Post 11
The dissolution of a relationship leaves many scars. The fear of rejection is a common scar left after the ending of a meaningful relationship. It can leave one emotionally immobilized, stagnated, depressed and lead to self-destructive, self-defeating irrational behaviors, and regression. Share with us, how you think one can learn to overcome their fear of rejection and be open again to engage in current and future relationships.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
"Breaking It Up"- Post 10
There are numerous reasons why relationships go into deterioration and end up in dissolution. After watching the video, post the reasons why you feel relationships "Break Up".
Saturday, October 31, 2009
This is in response to pick up lines its from season two of the chappelle show... always always always makes me laugh :]
Monday, October 26, 2009
Sure Fire Pick-Ups- Week 9 Post
The contact phase only lasts approximately 4 minutes. So you've only got a short amount of time to make a first impression. Share with us your favorite pick-up lines and experiences. Did any of them work?
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
One of my Favorite Videos!
I had been looking for a good time to post this here. I think this relates well with my response to this week's blog subject. Hope you Enjoy! - Leo Herbeck
Monday, October 19, 2009
Can Money Buy Happiness? Week 8 Post
We are all familiar with the saying, "Money can't buy you happiness". However, a recent Gallup poll shows that the number one issue that causes problems in relationships today is cha-ching....MONEY, MONEY,MONEY, MONEY! Post your views on the topic. Does money make you happier?
Monday, October 12, 2009
Diversity in the Workplace- Week 7 Post
Studies show that 52% of people perfer to work with people like themselves. This begs the question, "What about diversity in the workplace?" Since most of us cannot choose who we will have to communicate with at work, how do we navigate through the complexities of a multicultural workplace? The top 4 diversity issues that cause problems are:
1. Language Differences
2. Differences in Values and Etiquette
3. Tone of voice
4. "Clustering" (hanging out with others from similar backgrounds)
Post an example of how a difference in one of these areas has caused a misunderstanding due to diversity. Offer some suggestions on how you think communication between people from diverse backgrounds can relate better to each other.
1. Language Differences
2. Differences in Values and Etiquette
3. Tone of voice
4. "Clustering" (hanging out with others from similar backgrounds)
Post an example of how a difference in one of these areas has caused a misunderstanding due to diversity. Offer some suggestions on how you think communication between people from diverse backgrounds can relate better to each other.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Feeling Stressed Out? Studies show that how you deal with stress may be dependent on whether you are a male or a female. Read the study done on how men and women differ in how they deal with stress. Men- fight or flight vs. Women- tend and affiliate. Tell us what you think and how you tend to deal with stress. Do you agree with the study's findings? Are you a typical male or female in your responses to stress?
Monday, September 28, 2009
Fighting Fair UT Link
Fighting Fair is easier said than done. Read UT's webpage on Fair Fighting and then post for us your own tip on either what to do or what not to do when trying to fight fair. As always give us an example of what has worked for you in the past or a conflict strategy that was a disaster.
Monday, September 21, 2009
The Science of the BFF- Week 4 Post
What makes a good friend? Trust? Shared interests? Emotional support? Acceptance? Tell us about someone who you consider to be a BFF. What qualities do they possess? Was there a pivotal event that strengthened your friendship?
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
non verbal comm
In class this week we started talking about non verbal communication. I know when I was in Iraq there were cretin gesters that we were told were offensive to the Iraqis and back in America it was an every day gesture, but I have forgotten what they were. I can remember when I fisrt started going out in San Antonio every time I would talk to somebody they would stand too close to me so I would back up and one day this salsperson keep closing the gap. In the Midwest we like our personal space in the south its a litter closer than Iwas used to. I have ajusted somewhat to this culture but it still makes me alittle umcomfortable at times.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Cultural Confusion/ Week 3 Post
One of the principles of Nonverbal Communication is that rules for communicating nonverbally differ from culture from culture. For example, in western society looking at someone in the eyes when being spoken to is considered a sign of paying attention and respect; whereas, in Asian cultures it is seen as a sign of disrespect. Share with us another example of how nonverbal communication rules vary by culture (location, gender, race, age, socioeconomic status, workplace, etc). Did you make a nonverbal blooper? If so, what happened?
Monday, September 7, 2009
Listen UP!
Week 2 Post
We all know that hearing someone is not the same thing as listening to someone. On page 147 in your book it shows the Chinese character for Listening. It is composed of 3 characters put together- ears, eyes, and heart. Think of an example of listening with your ears, eyes, and heart. What was the outcome?
We all know that hearing someone is not the same thing as listening to someone. On page 147 in your book it shows the Chinese character for Listening. It is composed of 3 characters put together- ears, eyes, and heart. Think of an example of listening with your ears, eyes, and heart. What was the outcome?
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My mom had bought him from a woman who couldn't afford to keep him anymore.
He was sweet, an obvious inside dog, and he knew tricks.
Well, my dad didn't want him inside, or want him at all, so he kicked him outside.
When I came back from school the next day, Dollar was missing.
My yard is completely fenced, so he couldn't squeeze through anything.
My dad said he climbed the fence
That small dog scale a fence...
That dog couldn't even climb on furniture, none the less a four foot fence.
Naturally, I don't believe most things my dad bothers to tell me (he's a notorious liar anyway).
That's not my dog in the pic, just the breed.

I think the wost excuse I have ever used was way back when I just got out of high school and told my employer that my grandma had died and I needed the week off. what I was really doing was going hunting with my friends. What happened when I got back was he had herd I went hunting so he asked me to bring in the obituary of my grandma. well lets just say grandma was at home doing just fine and I was in trouble at work but luckily I still had a job.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Keep Those Excuses Coming!
People Talking to People
Originally uploaded by Editor B
Nice start to the Blog, keep posting your examples of excuses.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
EXXXXXXcuuuuuse ME! Journal Entry 1
While most human beings will engage in making some excuses in their lives, the common Ben Franklin saying “He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else,” may be more of a self-fulfilling prophesy for excuse-makers than simply avoidance or laziness. Whether excuses are used to shift blame or improve what other people think, it may be easier for excuse-makers to live with excuses than think about living with having tried at something and failed.
Post an example of the most outlandish excuse you've ever heard that you know was a lie. What was the outcome?
Post an example of the most outlandish excuse you've ever heard that you know was a lie. What was the outcome?
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Testing 1,2,3
I have sent you an invitation to be an author to our class blog. Please post a test comment so I know you're in!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Welcome To Interpersonal Communication!
As we explore what makes relationships tick, we will covering topics such as: listening, friendships, intimate relationships, workplace issues, family dynamics, love, and conflict strategies. You will have several opportunities to reflect on your own relationships and communication style to find ways to improve all facets of your life. As part of this journey together, I will post the latest studies and hot topics related to interpersonal communication on this blog.
Your job is to respond with an example to either confirm or disprove my posting by sharing insights from your own experiences, or one you've found on a TV show, movie, or book. Feel free to comment on others' postings, and also post any interesting (articles, links, videos, books, tweets, jokes, etc) related to communication and one-on-one relationships.
I look forward to blogging with you!
Dr. Karin Wilking
San Antonio College
Your job is to respond with an example to either confirm or disprove my posting by sharing insights from your own experiences, or one you've found on a TV show, movie, or book. Feel free to comment on others' postings, and also post any interesting (articles, links, videos, books, tweets, jokes, etc) related to communication and one-on-one relationships.
I look forward to blogging with you!
Dr. Karin Wilking
San Antonio College
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